Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Hiroshima! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Fukuoka (Kyusyu) and Kanto area is cu...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Nagoya! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Saitama! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Fukuoka! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Kobe! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Kyoto! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Chiba! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eatsクーポン・キャンペーン情報


こんにちは、現役ウーバーイーツ配達員のピムリコです。 本日、Uber Eats(ウーバーイーツ)から「マクドナルド」のキャンペーンのメールが届きました! マクドナルドは配達していてもかなりよく注文が入る人気のレス...
Uber Eats対応エリア

Uber Eats in Osaka! Explain how to register as a deliveryman, belongings so on!

Hello, this is Pimlico. In the Kansai / Chubu area, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, and Kanto area is currently covered i...
Uber Eatsクーポン・キャンペーン情報

Uber Eats(ウーバーイーツ)LINE Payなら50%OFF(半額)キャンペーン!

こんにちは、現役ウーバーイーツ配達員のピムリコです。 キャッシュレス時代とか言われている昨今ですが、ついにウーバーイーツ にも新たなキャッスレス決済の波がやってきました! 数あるキャッスレス決済ですが、今回ウーバーイーツで開始さ...